News about cult and sci-fi television shows and films from around the world. May include spoilers.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Doctor Who Gets New Logo

The BBC have revealed a new logo for the new series of Doctor Who. The new logo has been designed to make the letters DW look like the TARDIS and will give the show fresh branding for when Matt Smith takes over the reigns.

Talking about the new logo, Steven Moffat said, "The eleventh logo for the eleventh Doctor - those grand old words, Doctor Who, suddenly looking newer than ever. And look at that, something really new - an insignia! DW in Tardis form!

"Simple and beautiful, and most important of all, a completely irresistible doodle.

"I apologise to school notebooks everywhere, because in 2010 that's what they're going to be wearing."
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Police step in to stop Darth Vader 'porn movie'

The set of a movie starring Darth Vader actor David Prowse was raided by police after reports it was being used to shoot a porn film.
The bungalow location was instead found to house actors filming a dramatic dialogue for the 'action thriller'.

Neighbours had jumped to the wrong conclusion after seeing a camera and lighting equipment being taken into the home.

Read more here.
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Monday, 5 October 2009

Stargate Universe

Stargate Universe attracted 2.35m viewers for it's premiere in the US for SyFy. The figures are the best premiere figures for a Stargate franchise.
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