News about cult and sci-fi television shows and films from around the world. May include spoilers.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

FlashForward UK Air Date

FlashForward will premiere in the UK on Monday 28th September on Five. The tv production will show in the 9pm slot.
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Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Kennedy Martin Dies

Kennedy Martin, screenwriter of the Italian Job, has died at the age of 77 from cancer. Other works he created include Z-Cars, Kelly's Heroes, Red Heat & Edge Of Darkness.
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Sunday, 13 September 2009

Stargate DVD Could Start Filming Soon

Amanda Tapping said earlier this week that the new “Stargate” straight-to-DVD movie could begin production as early as this fall, and she's looking forward to it.

“I will slip back into Sam Carter very nicely,” Tapping said.

Martin Wood, a co-producer on “Stargate SG-1,” a supervising producer on “Stargate: Atlantis,” and an executive producer on “Sanctuary” (along with Tapping), will again direct the new DVD when he's available.

Read more here.
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